Culture on the Internet

The following is an excerpt from a report Karl-Erik Tallmo wrote for a Swedish government committee about culture on the Internet. The report was published in its finished form in the summer of 1997.

En annan tillämpning är Scott Pakin's automatic complaint-letter generator, där man får fylla i namn på den man vill klaga på, därefter personens kön, samt hur många stycken brevet skall omfatta. Någon typ av syntaktisk generator skapar sedan ett antal meningar. Har någon gjort något liknande för mera "seriöst konstnärliga" ändamål? Den frågan kan knappast sägas ha fått något svar genom min undersökning. Men kanske finns något i den stilen bland de cirka 50 miljoner dokument som World Wide Web nu lär omfatta.

Thanks to the following people for providing translations:

The following is a merger of the four individual translations:

Another application is Scott Pakin's automatic complaint-letter generator, where you can fill in the name of the person you want to complain about, the person's gender, and the number of paragraphs the letter should contain. Some kind of syntactic generator then creates a number of sentences. Has anyone made anything similar for more "seriously artistic" purposes? That question has not been answered through my research. But perhaps there is something similar amongst the approximately 50 million documents that the World Wide Web is said to consist of.

Karl-Erik adds:

BTW, a couple of times I have shown your program on stage, during a lecture, and I have then generated a complaint about myself. Better than psychoanalysis!!

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