Create your own mosaic knitting patterns
By Scott Pakin

My mosaic knitting pattern

Number of stitches per pattern repeat:
Number of rows: (Must be even; only patterns with row multiples of 4 can be repeated vertically.)
Validation type:

This Web application helps users create their own mosaic knitting patterns, which consist of working with two contrasting colors of yarn, but using only one color per row. The dominant color in a row is knitted, and the passive color in a row is slipped. On the right side of the work, slipped stitches are slipped with the yarn in back; and on the wrong side of the work, slipped stitches are slipped with the yarn in front.

Mosaic knitting patterns are drawn on a grid in which each stitch is colored either black or white. (The actual knit can use any two colors, of course.) Each row has a dominant color, which alternates between black and white on successive pairs of rows, starting with black on the bottommost two rows. A black (respectively, white) row can contain no more than three consecutive white (respectively, black) stitches, including horizontal wraparound. That is, a white row with two black stitches on the left edge and three black stitches on the right edge is deemed to contain a run of five black stitches, which is considered erroneous.

A second restriction on mosaic patterns is that a passive-colored stitch may not lie immediately above another passive-colored stitch (which will be of the opposite color). In this context, the bottom row of the pattern is considered to be above the top row.

For example, the first figure below correctly contains long black runs only on black rows and long white runs only on white rows. The second figure, in contrast, contains an invalid length-four black run (note the wraparound) in rows 11–12, which are white rows and an invalid length-four white run in rows 5–6, which are black rows. Also, among many similar problems with the second figure, the stitch in the first column of rows 9–10 is a white stitch in a black row that incorrectly lies above a black stitch in a white row.

Row colors
Fig. 1: A valid 6×12 pattern
Fig. 2: An invalid 6×12 pattern
Validate Clear errors Speckle Edit textually View tiled Print Share Random Flip LR Make symmetric Remember Undo Clear Start over

Instructions: Draw and erase cells using the mouse or click the Random button to create a pattern at random.

Tip #1: Hover over a button for a brief explanation of its purpose.

Tip #2: To make the result of a Speckle or Random operation eligible for undo, click the Remember button.

Mosaic Band Color reversal Pattern reversal Back